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Monday, March 17, 2025


4.5 stars out of 5

Would you believe my last book in this long-running series was the 19th? I'll concede that it helps that I didn't miss any of those that came before, but it still came as a surprise when I was able to zip through this one - the 25th - as if I hadn't missed a beat. 

Well, with a couple of relatively minor exceptions. San Francisco detective Lindsay Boxer, who arguably is the star of the show, had a daughter Julie, who is now five years old. She and the rest of the so-called Women's Murder Club - medical examiner Claire Washburn, San Francisco Examiner crime reporter Cindy Thomas, assistant district attorney Yuki Castellano - are more experienced and wiser. Otherwise, it's basically same old, same old, but that's certainly not a bad thing.

This one begins with the unthinkable - and a happening that ain't happening in my review. Suffice it to say there's a single clue - the words "I Said, You Dead" left at the scene. That happening rallies all the troops, including Lindsay's boss, Jackson Brady, Cindy (who can smell a great story a continent away). Close on the heels of that one comes another one - and again, those same words.

Meantime, Yuki is prosecuting a murder case against a member of a Mexican cartel, who's also a suspected serial killer. Almost immediately, it becomes clear that someone - most likely others in the cartel - are intent on making sure the trial never takes place, and their methods take jury tampering to a whole new level.

On that front, Lindsay's husband, FBI agent Joe Molinari, gets involved, and readers begin to suspect a link between the "I Said" events and the trial. Bringing both to a close, though, takes up most of the pages and leads readers through another nail-biting adventure right up to the end. With which, I'm satisfied. I'm also happy to thank the publisher, via NetGalley, for the opportunity to get back in the game via a pre-release copy. Good job once again!

25 Alive by James Patterson and Maxine Paetro (Little, Brown and Co., April 2025); 336 pp.

Saturday, March 15, 2025


5 stars out of 5

No question readers will run the gauntlet of emotions in this one, from sadness to trepidation to fearfulness to elation and more - but one thing clearly pulls them all together: Stellar writing.

Basically, the story centers around Valerie Gillis, a 42-year-old nurse and hiker (trailname: Sparrow) who went missing about 200 miles from her destination on the challenging Appalachian Trail. Once that fact is established, the spotlight begins to shine on other characters, first and foremost Lt. Beverly Miner, a Maine game warden to whom falls the job of locating Valerie. Then there's the elderly Lena, an assisted living resident in Connecticut, who spends much of her time on her computer and initially believes Valerie is her estranged daughter, and Santo, Valerie's wacky, oversized hiking buddy who left her on the trail believing she was close enough to the finish line that she'd be fine even if he wasn't there to cheer her on.

Readers see what's going on in the hearts and minds of all these characters and a couple of others, including Valerie's husband, who tracked her progress along at least part of the way. We get to know their backstories as well as present circumstances - most notably Valerie's written "letter" to her mother as she documents her feelings and physical deterioration as she tries to survive the wilderness alone and without much food or shelter.

Details, of course, I cannot provide, but except to say my heart was beating faster and faster toward the end and the whole experience was well worth the time it took to read it. Oh, and one other thing: thanks to the publisher, via NetGalley, for giving me the chance to enjoy it via a pre-release copy. Outstanding!

Heartwood by Amity Gaige (Simon & Schuster, April 2025); 320 pp.

Monday, March 10, 2025


5 stars out of 5

Gotta admit to getting a little teary-eyed at this one, sometimes happily, sometimes bittersweet. As the infamous Molly the Maid, head maid at the swanky Regency Grand Hotel, prepares to marry her fiance and Regency chef Juan Manuel, she gets up-close-and-personal insights of her ancestors by way of a diary written by her beloved Gran.

More surprisingly, though, is that Molly has noticeably morphed from a socially inept neat freak with OCD to a loving partner and beloved co-worker (well, most of the neat freakiness is still there). I haven't quite preferring the original version - but it works for this story, since the focus is on Molly's family history. As she and Juan try to plan their wedding with very little money to spare, Molly decides to take a box of her Gran's things she's saved and cherished over the years to the airing of a popular TV program similar to "Antiques Road Show" that's to be filmed at the hotel. Maybe, she thinks, one of them might be worth a little something.

As it turns out, one of them is worth far, far more than a little. But right after the winning bid is announced, it's discovered that the prized possession has somehow disappeared - making Molly a 5-minute millionnaire and dashing all hopes for a halfway decent wedding. But when Molly discovers that an old key unlocks her Gran's diary, family secrets Molly never knew - and clues as to who's behind the theft - are unlocked as well. And not a minute too soon; whoever is behind the theft has made it clear that Molly's life is in danger.

All the rest is the thrill of the chase, and it's another engaging and entertaining journey. Now, I eagerly await the fourth installment - and once again thank the publisher, via NetGalley, for the opportunity to read and review this one. Well done!

The Maid's Secret by Nita Prose (Ballantine Books, April 2025); 336 pp.

Friday, March 7, 2025


4 stars out of 5

By the end of this book, my head was spinning from all the twists and turns, and that's a good thing. But most of them crossed the credibility line, and besides that, I really didn't like any of the characters enough to care much about how things turned out for them. 

Despite those misgivings, though, I did enjoy the book. It's got all the right (write??) stuff in it, and I admire anyone who can come up with a plot this complex in the first place and then keep all the details straight. 

The focus is on the uber-wealthy Lingate family and the death of Sarah Lingate, a relatively new mother of Helen, in 1992. From that point on, the case of Sarah's body being found at the bottom of a cliff was long since closed by local police, but suspicions lingered. The most common belief is that she was murdered by Richard, her husband and Helen's father. But over the years, the family closed ranks as only the snobby rich can do (and this bunch is as snobby as they come), so the rumors have remained, well, rumors.

Today, Helen is a grown-up, and she's returned to the island of Capri with the family, for what I guess is summer R&R. This time, they're accompanied by Richard's "assistant," Lorna, who has the role of rich-boss gopher honed to a fare-thee-well (but clearly has an agenda of her own). Soon after the return to Capri, they get a surprise welcome back gift that's less than welcome: a box containing the necklace Sarah was wearing when she died - and a demand for a huge sum of money.

The rest of the book follows the events on Capri - complete with another disappearance - and glimpses of what led up to Sarah's death (chapters shift among characters and time frames). The end, of course, pulls it all together, and readers learn the truth about what happened all those years ago. Now that all those loose ends have been tied up, I'm ready for the next book by this talented author - and thanking the publisher, via NetGalley, for allowing me to read and review a pre-release copy of this one.

Saltwater by Katy Hays (Ballantine Books, March 2025); 336 pp.

Friday, February 28, 2025


4 stars out of 5

Wow - the plot of this book, the third in the series featuring arson investigators Walter Sharpe and Andrew Walker, sure has a lot of "legs." I guess that's another way of saying it was much more complex and hard to follow than that first two, at least until I'd passed the halfway point. After that, it everything started to mesh, though, and by the end, I realized how well it's written and how much I enjoyed it.

There are three situations involved from the beginning: the torching of several parking garages at apartments in Hollywood on just one night, a major fire that wipes out a major section of a busy freeway and destroys illicit businesses and homeless camps littered below the overpass, and an old "connection" of Walter's - Danny Cole - who for whatever reason has formulated a plan to steal a $40 million, one-of-a-kind wristwatch from it's high-security location in Japan. Fairly early on, Walter and Andrew are called away from the garage fires to the more potentiallyl devastating freeway - but there's still a possibility the same perp could be behind both.

How Danny fares with the theft - and why he's doing it - I'll leave for readers to learn for themselves. I will say, though, that I'm one of those who, while sympathetic, rarely believe the end justifies the means. And what that means is I lost a little bit of respect for one of the characters in the book even though his actions can be deemed justifiable (and most certainly address an important issue of national concern).

As the freeway investigation begins, Walter and Andrew hook up with Lost Hills homicide detective Eve Ronin and her sidekick Duncan Pavone - always guaranteed to add some spice to the series. When the man suspected of engineering the horrific blaze turns up dead, well, that adds even more intrigue. And that's as far as I'm willing to go to not risk revealing too much - I'll just say alls well that ends well, especially when it leaves an ember or two smoldering and ready for rekindling in the next installment. Soon, please?

Meantime, many thanks once again to the publisher, via NetGalley, for the opportunity to read and review a pre-release copy of this one. 

Hidden in Smoke by Lee Goldberg (Thomas & Mercer, April 2025); 300 pp.

Sunday, February 23, 2025


4 stars out of 5

Let me get to the nitty-gritty right away: The missing husband, as loyal readers of this series (like me) would suspect, is Denton, Pa., police detective Josie Quinn's hunky police officer husband Noah Fraley. One not-so-fine day, she returns home from a murder scene to find their home totally ransacked, blood everywhere and Noah gone. Alas, Josie isn't the only one to miss him - he's a major reason I love the series, so not having him around was more than a small disappointment. And after awhile, reading about his absence started to get a bit tedious; put another way, I can count too, so I really didn't need an update on how long he's been gone on every third page.

Nitpicking aside, I will say that the happenings in this book bring a good measure of closure to Josie's horrific life before the police department and Noah (after 21 previous books, long-time readers will be familiar with her story and reconnection with her twin sister Trinity Payne as adults). Trinity, a well-known TV journalist who's engaged to FBI agent Drake Nally, of course is around to lend support and investigative expertise to her sister - as is the usual police force team that includes the rather obnoxious officer Kyle Turner (though here, too, the ongoing snarkiness between Kyle and Josie got old fast).

Josie herself is officially sidelined throughout most of the book, given her connection to Noah (she can't be the one leading the investigation to find her own husband). Then, the case she was called to right before returning to her ransacked home takes a turn for the bizzare. At the scene, the daughter of a prominent contractor is killed, and prints are found. Great for helping find the killer, perhaps, but for Josie, not so much; the prints match those found in the mess at her place. Whoops - off the case she goes once again.

Josie being Josie, of course, she manages to call in a few favors and do some surreptitious digging around on her own (in between telling readers how long Noah has been missing and trading barbs with Kyle). Finally, the whole thing - which is directly tied to the mother Josie knew to be a monster - comes together to reach a rather surprising conclusion. As for Noah, nope, you ain't gonna hear it from me. Go read the book for yourself!

Thanks to the publisher, via NetGalley, for providing me with a pre-release copy - I enjoyed it and look forward to the next one!

Husband Missing by Lisa Regan (Bookouture, March 2025); 423 pp.

Tuesday, February 18, 2025


4 stars out of 5

While in the end I quite enjoyed this book, it was a little hard to slog through for the first half or so, at least; I think that was a result of my having read the first book in the series but not the two I somehow missed in between then and now. Once I realized what was going on, though, I got more into it.

The first book, Hello, Transcriber, introduced us to professional police report transcriber Hazel Greenlee, who could type more than 100 words per minute virtually error-free. Back in the day, I - who in high school aspired to be an executive secretary - I could do the same (but on a manual typewriter). In that book, the relationship between Hazel and Black Harbor, Wisconsin, police detective Nikolai Kole was heating up despite her disintegrating marriage to Tommy Greenlee. In the intervening books, Hazel apparently bolted from Black Harbor for Brooklyn, N.Y., establishing herself as a writer of novels.

Now, though, she's back - lured by the discovery of her former husband Tommy's dead body that's been riddled with bullets, covered with bleach and wrapped in a garbage bag. While Hazel has little affection left for Tommy, she can't help but wonder who murdered him and why.

That's a question shared by Kole and his team of officers. But although Hazel and Nik had a "thing" going back then and both still wonder what might have been, each is wary of seeing the other again. But of course, it's inevitable; the only question is how each will handle the reconnection - and what they'll find out about Tommy's murder.

The rest of the story follows their interaction and the investigation into a complicated web of lies, deceit and crimes that have had serious impact on both of their lives. Well done, and I thank the publisher, via NetGalley, for the opportunity to read and review a pre-release copy.

The Unlucky Ones by Hannah Morrissey (Minotaur Books, March 2025); 304 pp.