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Wednesday, July 3, 2024


4 stars out of 5

Having read and enjoyed books by both these authors - make that a bundle by Mr. Deaver, long a favorite of mine - you can only imagine my delight at getting my eyes on this one. That it's the first in a series only added to my excitement. Well, now that I've finished, I admit to being a little less excited - but looking forward to the next one nonetheless.

Most of the hitches in the gitalong, I think, come from simply trying to establish the backgrounds and personalities of the main characters - Homeland Security agent Carmen Sanchez and college professor and computer security expert extraordinaire Jacoby (Jake) Heron. They have a history of sorts, one that Sanchez, at least, isn't eager to reignite; for now, they're sort of in a hold-hands-to-keep-from-fighting relationship. But while they end up forging some semblance of cohesiveness, they never seemed to really "connect" with each other - nor, for that matter, with me; neither is someone with whom I'm eager to go share a beer (though I probably wouldn't turn down an offer from Jake if he asked).

While she's at work, Carmen receives a text that her mostly estranged sister, Selina, is the victim of an almost fatal knife attack. Because of the relationship, Carmen's boss, Eric Williamson, won't assign her to the case, so she asks for leave so she can investigate on her own. Although Selina can't identify her attacker, she did catch a glimpse of a unique tattoo; other clues, including another murder, lead to the suspicion that a dangerous serial killer is on the prowl. Because her department cronies are off-limits (and that Jake owes her a favor), Carmen reluctantly turns to him for help; they form a somewhat uneasy alliance with the common goal of catching a deadly but elusive killer.

In the mix are chapters from the killer's perspective, plenty of twists and a little too much in-depth descriptions of such things as roulette - actually, kind of interesting to me, though, so I won't complain much. The ending wrapped things up as well as brought fodder for the next installment, so I'm now looking forward to seeing how - or if - these two different personalities get it together when their new adventure begins (bring it on - I'm more than ready). Meantime, I thank the publisher, via NetGalley, for allowing me to get in on the action by way of a pre-release copy.

Fatal Intrusion by Jeffery Deaver and Isabella Maldonado (Thomas & Mercer, September 2024); 434 pp.

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